Anunț privind organizarea achiziției serviciilor de asigurare Casco, RCA și Carte Verde

Anunț privind organizarea achiziției serviciilor de asigurare Casco, RCA și Carte Verde

OTP Bank S.A. organizes the bid competition for the purchase of Casco, RCA and Green Card insurance services 2022 - 2023.

Insurance companies with experience in the field can receive the Request for Offer by sending an e-mail to the address indicated below.

Deadline for submitting offers: September 27, 2022, 5:00 p.m.

The offers are to be submitted in a sealed envelope, at the bank's headquarters located on: 81A, Ştefan cel Mare and Sfînt Avenue, MD-2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

Contacts: / + 373 22 812 417

By issuing this announcement, OTP Bank S.A. does not assume any obligation and/or legal liability.

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